Have a mobile app idea?

With the average American spending more than four hours per day on their mobile device, there are compelling reasons to expand your brand’s reach and make a mobile app. A mobile app reaches across all parts of your business, forms a key piece of your marketing and brand strategy, offers superior engagement than other digital products, and satisfies your customers’ needs for a mobile app on the go.

The benefits of building a mobile app are apparent, but how much does it cost to develop an app
and what does the development process look like?




Starting Business

Built on 1 Platform (ios, android or PWA)

Already built design template (Basic Features)

Security and Access: User Management and Tagging

No Integrations

Cloud Database and 5GB of Storage usage limits

App Experience from ready made templates

Analytics: App Download Analytics

Notifications: 50,000/month usage limits Standard Push Notifications

Bandwidth 100GB/mo usage limits

Customer Service reply after 48 hours




Built on 2 platforms (ios and android)

Custom app design

Security and Access: User Management, In App Purchases, App Access Code and Private App Sections

Zapier Integrations

Internal Database 15GB Storage usage limits

App Experience: Onboarding screens and Custom user registration

Analytics: App Download Analytics, App Feature Specifics and Advanced Push Notification Analytics

Notifications: 250,000/month usage limits Professional Push Notifications

Bandwidth 150GB/mo usage limits

Customer service reply after 24 hours

Business Advanced


Higher Business

Built on up to 4 platforms

Professional app design

Security and Access: Professional Plan

Integrations: Zapier and Upload Custom Functionality

Internal Database 50GB Storage usage limits

App Experience: Professional Plan + Search Engine

Analytics: Professional Plan + User Timeline and Segment Analytics

Notifications: 500,000/month usage limits Professional Push Notifications

Bandwidth 250GB/mo usage limits

All day customer service

Need a Custom App Development Plan?

Let's create a custom plan that fits your needs and your budget.
